I love the easy elegance and versatility of lace, especially in the color black. As a skirt, blouse, or dress, black lace usually reads pretty sexy, and I think it’s perfect for the colder seasons. It’s hard to look cute and stay warm at the same time, and the sheerness of a lace dress [especially with long sleeves] is totally the perfect balance. I’m picturing a long sleeve lace blouse with a fur coat and leather leggings this winter [over-the-top, and so me]. These looks have me inspired for some new ensembles.


My friends and I always talk about how we can’t wait to get our own place and decorate it however we want [when that will happen for all of us is yet to be determined]. Everyone has a wish-list for their place: hardwood floors, a fireplace, walk-in-closets and a huge kitchen are high on my list, but a bar cart is a must-have when it comes to decorating. Ever since Emily Schuman wrote about the bar cart in her place [on her blog Cupcakes and Cashmere] and how she stocks it, I’ve adored the idea of having one. Whenever I finally get my own little place, a bronze, hotel-inspired bar cart filled with my faves [bloody mary essentials, gin and tonic, and plenty of red wine] is definitely going to be the first thing to take care of. Clearly my priorities are right where they should be, don’t you think?



Why do we always want what we can’t have when it comes to the seasons? Just weeks ago, it was too warm and muggy for me, and now it’s windy and chilly….not a smooth transition. Luckily the fashion world is six months ahead, so we can perpetually live in style fantasy land. While dressing in sweaters and scarves for the day, I’m dreaming of fluffy skirts, strappy heels, sheer tops, and flowy silhouettes. Chloe, Dolce & Gabbana, Elizabeth & James and Miu Miu really impressed me with their Spring’13 designs, and I’m already stoked for the new season. Just have to make it through winter first.



[dolce & gabbana]

[dolce & gabbana]

[elizabeth & james]

[elizabeth & james]

[miu miu]

[miu miu]


On a daily basis, I slug around a large leather tote [serious damage to my left shoulder is probably in my near future] and I’m usually carrying around a laptop, snacks and a million other knick knacks. If I could, though, I would love to simply carry around a large slouchy clutch during the week. They’re big enough for all the essentials, yet you can carry them all day in one arm. Covered in sequins, leopard print, colored leather or feathers, I don’t think you can go wrong with a statement clutch for daytime.


[kale, avocado, tomato and quinoa salad]

Every few years, my mother gets obsessed with a new superfood [shes’s a nutritionist], and currently it’s kale. So we buy it in mass quantities from the supermarket every week and cook it almost every way possible [sauteed with sesame oil, scrambled with eggs, baked into chips]….but it gets a little boring without some new recipes in the mix. I found a few newbies that look insanely delicious and easy: two of my necessities when it comes to cooking. If you’ve never tried kale, now is the time. Not only is it one of the best foods in the world for you, but it’s pretty much just like spinach, so it works in almost any similar recipe. And it’s delish of course.


[parmesan, breadcrumb and kale stuffed tomatoes]

[cavatappi with sausage and kale]

[raw kale salad with lemon vinaigrette]

[white bean, kale and veggie stew]

[pancetta and kale fritatta]


As I’ve mentioned before, I have pretty ecclectic taste, and it really crosses over every style genre. One of my favorite ways of dressing is channeling a slightly retro vibe, in the form of fitted pencil skirts, costume jewelry and bustier-inspired tops. Sometimes it’s fun to break from the norm and wear what you really want to wear, regardless of the trends out there.


There used to be a time, not so long ago actually, that I rarely wore pants. I wore skirts, dresses and anything else possible, in order to not wear pants. It probably had a lot to do with watching Sex and the City in High School and Carrie never wore pants, so I thought that was the only possible way of dressing. I’ve drastically changed my ways recently and am practically obsessed with pants in all forms and colors. After peeking through Zara’s website [a dangerous, suck-you-in retail experience], I realized I have some gaping holes in my pants wardrobe in the form of peplum trousers, lace crops, and camo printed skinnies. Leave it to the ever-cool European designers behind Zara to point out even more ways to empty my wallet.

p.s. Sorry for my weeks-long absence: starting two new jobs in the same month is the definition of craziness. Here to stay now!


So yes, it’s officially fall, which means serious sweater/scarf/denim/boot season. It’s time to pull out those forgotton knits and realize you either have none [me, mostly] or hate all of them [also me] along with every scarf possible [those I actually own]. I think a scarf is my most favorite Autumn wardrobe piece, not only because it’s super versatile, but it pulls any kind of outfit together, whether it be leggings and a tunic or ripped denim and a blouse. While it may seem like there are only so many ways to wear one, I’ve found six new ways I want to style my knitted scarves, which also means I’m craving a hot latte and new book to cozy up with while wearing these casual yet perfect outfits.


[bar de tapas]

Recently starting a new job in Wicker Park means that I’m in my favorite area of Chicago almost every day of the week, and also surrounded by restaurants and coffee shops I wish I could go to on a weekly if not daily basis. Walking to the el on my way home every day, I go past so many great places [around dinner time], and some I’ve been to that I would gladly go back again and again. I thought I’d show you a little list of must-go-to restaurants in the near future as sort of a bucket list for fall. Although they weren’t on my original Autumn list, they are now, and I think I’m more than ok with crossing them off.


[newly opened carriage house]

[having only been once, bangers & lace is high on my list for a repeat visit]


[the bedford, where I’ve only been for drinks]


Hello October! Can you believe it’s here already? As much as it freaks me out that this season is already flying by, I welcome October and November like a dear friend I haven’t seen in ages. Everything about fall is perfect, from the changing leaves to the sunny yet cool weather, and of course, every meal I eat seems to be comforting and full of flavor. Pumpkins are ignored right up until the first day of fall, and rightfully so-it would be like buying a Christmas tree in November. I’m craving everything pumpkin at the moment: the rich color, decadent flavor, and comforting joy they bring with the new season. All this from a sturdy gourd, can you believe it. Here’s a look at how I want pumpkins in my life this season, almost like a little sidekick throughout autumn.


[I really hate carving pumpkins, and I think this is a fabulous way to decorate them]

[chocolate chip cookies with a spiced pumpkin dough]

[pumpkin toffee cheesecake]

[aside from the fact that I need numerous ingredients to make a pumpkin spice latte, I would love to make them at home]

[pasta with a creamy roasted pumpkin sauce, topped with herbs and parmesan]